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Other posts or videos can be shared on Instagram

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Отправлено 09 Сентябрь 2022 - 09:47

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Other posts or videos can be shared on Instagram
Technology desk
Published: 09 Sep 2022, 20:53
on Instagram
If friends or acquaintances like a post or video, Instagram will allow them to share it from their account. For this, the social media for sharing pictures and videos is launching a new facility called 'Re-Post'. Once this feature is enabled, shared posts will appear in users' feeds. In the meantime, Instagram authorities said that the functionality of this facility is being tested.

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Vertical images can be seen across the screen on Instagram
Vertical images can be seen across the screen on Instagram

Under this new initiative, the 'Repost tab' will be added to the Instagram feed. By clicking on the tab and selecting the desired post or reel video, they will be shared from your account. Posting from multiple accounts will allow more people to see them.

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Instagram will also give the opportunity to create remix videos with photos. Under this initiative, users can easily create remix videos with multiple images posted by themselves. Not only that, remix videos can also be streamed directly to Reels. The features are currently being tested on a limited number of users. These facilities will be opened soon.

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Recently, Instagram has extended the video creation time in its Reels feature to compete with TikTok. Currently, Instagram reels can hold up to 90 seconds of video. Not only that, the option to use the preferred audio file is also available.

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