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Smartphone battery is good

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#1 Honey



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Отправлено 13 Сентябрь 2022 - 09:58

A smartphone overheats when its battery is overworked. So if you are always thinking, 'Why is my phone getting so hot?', then you are damaging the phone yourself. Rather, it is better to know the reason why the phone heats up, and the ways to cool it down. It will increase the life of the phone. If you use the smartphone for a long time, it might get a little hot. It's normal. But it's not normal to overheat for a long time.
Why does the phone heat up? The phone may heat up due to various reasons. In most cases, overuse of the phone is said to be the reason. Other reasons why the phone heats up- • Watch streaming video for a long time. • Play games. • Keeping the brightness of the smartphone at maximum level. • Use of outdated apps or software. • Keeping the phone in a hot place or direct sunlight. Android is hotter or iPhone Another reason is added to the common cause of overheating in Android phones. That is overheating due to virus or malware. Cases of virus or malware attacks on the iPhone are rare. Because Apple, the maker of the iPhone, never allows the use of third-party software. To save your Android phone from overheating, you need to install an anti-virus from a trusted source.

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