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Контент пользователя Zehreen

Найдено 1 записей от Zehreen (Поиск ограничен от 04-Июль 23)

#29547 Cryptocurrency

Отправлено по Zehreen   22 Январь 2023 - 12:03 в Продажа- Покупка Криптовалют

All the while, people’s interest in crypto remains high: it’s a hot topic not only among investors but in popular culture too, thanks to everyone from long-standing investors like Elon Musk to that kid from your high school on Facebook.

In many ways, 2021 was a “breakthrough,” says Dave Abner, head of global development at Gemini, a popular cryptocurrency exchange. “There’s tremendous focus and attention being paid to [the crypto industry].”

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